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FIDES EarthPressure v2006.214

Release: FIDES EarthPressure v2006.214

FIDES EarthPressure v2006.214

Calculation of earth pressure
- Calculation of active and passive earth
pressure according to an extended
method of Culmann and an two body
mechanism according to Gudehus
- Import of WALLS-Data and re-export
the calculated earth pressure to WALLS
(this option is included in the package
- Polygonal surface geometry with any
slope or vertical inclinations
- Any number of additional loadings
(distributed or line loadings)
- Polygonal wall geometry (allows
horizontal discontinuities also)
- Any soil layer geometry (allows vertical
discontinuities also)
- Consistent database across the FIDES
geotechnical applications software series
allows any data interchange
- Undo/Redo-function


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