Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Workshop 2364 *iSO*

Release: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Workshop 2364 *iSO*

- Datum: 02.04.2006
This three-day instructor-led workshop will provide the student with a focused, hands-on environment to experience the new features and functionality of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 product. Students will spend 70%–80% of their time writing code using the Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 release.
This workshop is intended for experienced, professional software developers who are already skilled in building software using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, including those employed by independent software vendors or those who work on corporate enterprise development teams.
At Workshop Completion
• After completing this workshop, students will be able to:
• Apply knowledge of new productivity features and functionality in Visual Studio 2005 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop software more efficiently
• Write applications that use the Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual C# programming language enhancements
• Build managed code to run inside SQL Server 2005 (codename "Yukon")
• Write data access code using the improved functionality in ADO.NET
• Build Microsoft Windows Forms applications using new controls and new functionality in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE designers
• Deploy rich client applications using the new ClickOnce application deployment functionality
• Build ASP.NET Web applications using new controls and new functionality in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE designers
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