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MetaProducts Web Studio v4.4.271 SR1

Release: MetaProducts Web Studio v4.4.271 SR1

MetaProducts Web Studio v4.4.271 SR1

MetaProducts Web Studio is a universal project-oriented tool for developing and supporting Web sites.

The package is based on a powerful text editor, MetaProducts Visual Workshop, that provides flexible development tools for working with HTML/XHTML, JavaScript, CSS and other Web technologies.

MetaProducts Visual Workshop has powerful, easily customizable syntax highlighting and the ability to browse or execute a document without leaving the edit window. It also permits defining any commands (tags) with a built-in macros language. Advanced project management, built-in browser and FTP client, powerful Find with regular expression support and Replace through multiple files boost your development speed.

A number of Wizards provide flexible tag insertion for the most complex HTML tags. The built-in Style Builder makes style sheet use easy and an expansive online help system supplies information about the most current Web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Additional MetaProducts Web Studio programs include Tags Designer, which creates custom toolbars; Template Editor, which manages document templates; and LightPad, a simple and convenient text editor used in conjunction with the MetaProducts Visual Workshop.


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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