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VERTUS FLUiD MASK v2.03 for Photoshop

Release: VERTUS FLUiD MASK v2.03 for Photoshop

VERTUS FLUiD MASK v2.03 for Photoshop

Fluid Mask is a highly advanced software tool designed to make life easier for everyone who creates cut outs. Built as a plug-in to Adobe Photoshop, Fluid Mask is the new next-generation cut-out tool. Behind the product is breakthrough technology that mimics the way the eye, optic-nerve and brain perform visual processing. It offers an intuitive, accurate and fast approach to cut outs.

A key feature is the new Edge Overlay showing object edges within an image. Suddenly masking become a whole lot easier - it's now possible to select, group and mask objects in images to make great cut outs.

Key features of our approach are:
- Identify edges before you begin masking using the Edge Overlay view
- "Click-and-cut" - easily select object for quick masking
- Find hard to see edges using the intuitive Edge Detection options
- Fine tune mask selections at the pixel level using color palettes
- Work in progress is easy to review
- Masking and blending are co-synchronous - no double work
- Automatically differentiates between hard and soft edges in the blend


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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