Release: CYME MYMTCC v4.5.R4.2

- Datum: 06.05.2006
CYMTCC addresses Time Over-Current protection for Industrial, Commercial and Distribution Power systems. The program comes with an extensive database of over 5000 protective devices that are easily called to produce Time-Current curve plots and device settings reports. It also features a unique Coordination wizard to suggest protective device settings/adjustments and ratings.
Program Features
The program generates the time-current characteristic curves for the protective devices of a given feeder. The results can be visualized on-screen, plotted on standard log-log paper and/or routed to various printers.
The program is capable of generating all the necessary study benchmarks such as cable and conductor damage curves, motor starting curves, transformer withstand curves, inrush and thermal points and offers comprehensive graphical and thermal points and offers comprehensive graphical and tabular means for verifying the curve clearances at any fault current or system voltage level.
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