Ambient Design ArtRage v2.11

Release: Ambient Design ArtRage v2.11

- Datum: 02.07.2006
ArtRage 2 has 12 painting tools, each one designed to work like its real world counterpart (minus the smell of paint thinners, the dirty fingers, and that bit of glitter that you just can’t get out of the carpet). ArtRage 2 tools have properties that can be adjusted to get different effects. Add thinners to your oils, make your felt pens wet tipped, or soften your crayons up before use.
Oil Brush: Apply, smear, and blend oil strokes, or add thinners and apply smooth strokes.
Pencil: Sketch or scribble with the variable softness pencil tool.
Airbrush: Spray smooth strokes on to your canvas or let the paint build up in one spot, create dagger stroke tapering lines, and change the tilt of your stylus to adjust the shape of the spray.
Glitter: Sprinkle thousands of tiny glitter sparkles, great with the new Metallic Paint option.
Paint Roller: Lay down smooth, solid bands of color with thick or thin paint.
Paint Tube: A never ending tube of oil paint that can be squeezed out on to your canvas when you want a large blob for smearing.
Color Sampler: Sample color directly from your canvas or references images.
Felt Pen: Soft tipped or hard tipped, dry or wet pens that give a wide range of effects.
Palette Knife, Chalk, Crayon, Eraser: Simple but effective tools that give realistic results.
Move, Scale, Rotate: Position your canvas however you like, including a rotation tool if you need to set it at an angle.
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