Centico Photo Album v1.03.1022
Release: Centico Photo Album v1.03.1022
- Datum: 21.04.2006
Organize your photos in rich albums that contain both photos and text. Ordinary albums that show only photos are ok, but not very interesting. By adding text directly inside the album you will create attention-grabbing albums that your friends and family will love to see. This is a great way to immortalize your child's antics, or what happened during the vacation. Use the powerful image editor to fix your photos. Place images that you don't like much in a Shoebox in order to keep them nearby but out of sight; this makes organization much easier. Burn your photos to a CD or DVD, and then use "Time Warp Backup" to keep all of your editing changes safe without having to backup again. Share your photos by email, web albums, or printed albums.
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