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Analysis Knowledge Software Patterns v33.6

Release: Analysis Knowledge Software Patterns v33.6

Analysis Knowledge Software Patterns v33.6

Analyzes and charts trends in stock market using Andrews concepts. View list of stock values and charts in real time. Trade. Receive alerts via e-mail, phone, screen. Set alerts and automatic trading based upon limits, stops, moving averages, technical analysis (including Elliott Waves). Keep records of all your trades, commissions, and dividends, and have reports giving total profits per hour, month, year, by stock or account.
The program can keep track of your trades. The trades are entered either manually, or during the automatic brokerage service. There are many reasons for this. One is so that we have complete records of all of our transactions: Deposits to the brokerage house, trades, fees, interest, etc., so that we can have records that can be used to verify brokerage statements. As is well known, banks make mistakes, and we must protect our mistakes. A second reason for this is the opportunity to run queries over the database, which give profits each month, for each stock, or whatever.

Finally, this gives us the important opportunity to calculate the maximum drawdown of our account. When trading, there are two important items. One is our profits and losses (P&L). The other is maximum drawdown, the maximum difference from a high value in our account to a low value. Once this is too large, we sell, regardless of other trading considerations. Very few stock accounting packages give this vital information.

Patterns is a program that traders can use to test and implement trading systems utilizing Andrews pivots. It draws all the Andrews lines correctly and automatically. Use this program to view and trade the market. You can get intraday data for free!

Sign up with MyTrack. The first week of trading is free. Once you register you can use Patterns to access MyTrack to get real time data, make trades, and to view your account history. With Patterns, you can export this data to Excel files so that other stock analysis programs can import and analyze this data.

Click on the MyTrack button on the left to go to the MyTrack site. Click on the Patterns picture on the left to go to the registration site. This site works only with Microsoft Internet Explorer.


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