Reflecmedia Mattenee v1.01

Release: Reflecmedia Mattenee v1.01

- Datum: 19.05.2006
Unlike existing software-based keyers, most commonly supplied with the parent application, mattenee plug-ins are specifically written to work with Chromatte. The custom-written algorithm behind mattenee recognises the narrow width of colour returned by Chromatte and therefore simplifies the keying process.
The intelligent process automatically senses the LiteRing colour and generates an immediate key that is 90% towards the finished result - allowing you to alter the contrast of the matte, detect and clean any noise, plus adjust the automatic colour settings if you think it is required.
Like Chromatte the mattenee product range focuses on ease, the most popular frustration when keying is not knowing where to start when it comes to perfecting the effect. mattenee's simple to use, yet highly effective controls allow accurate manipulation with minimal effort.
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