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ConcreteFX Brush VSTi v1.0

Release: ConcreteFX Brush VSTi v1.0

ConcreteFX Brush VSTi v1.0

Brush - MIDI controlled comb filter VST effect for the PC, that
uses two sets of dual-comb filters to create phaser effects,
reverb, distortions and many other unique effects.

2 dual-comb filters, with built in filtering and distortion and
crossfeedback, which can be arranged in parallel or serial and
has built in feedback limiting.

Each comb filter pitch is controllable by a LFO with 16
different waveforms

Midi control of comb filter, so they can be tuned to incoming
MIDI notes

Comb filter pitch can be altered by volume of incoming sound

Each dual-comb filter has it's own LFO, multi-mode filter and

Midi automation of controls

BrushSyn is a comb filter VSTI monosynth for the PC, this uses
the same architecture as Brushsyn, to create a variety of
different sounds, such as plucked strings, basses, pad, drums
and a vast range of sound effects

Both include is a full manual and 64 presets


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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