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Mathons Chopitch VST v1.1

Release: Mathons Chopitch VST v1.1

Mathons Chopitch VST v1.1

Chopitch, VST Pitch Shifting with a difference


- dramatic pitch swoops in perfect time with the music

- make drums sound bigger without losing the attack

- intelligent gating system

- instant octave down, play bass lines on any instrument

- none of the uneven sounds typical of pitch shifters

- no added delay, such as is always present in pitch shifters

- pitch can follow the volume of the input signal, for "talking drum" type effects

- remix beats to make them your own

- take any percussion instrument, and make it sound larger with lower pitch and longer decay

- dramatic flanger type sounds, triggered by the beat


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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