Soundtrack Loops Tribal Tech House Beats Wav SCD

Release: Soundtrack Loops Tribal Tech House Beats Wav SCD
Tribal Tech House Beats by Soundtrack Loops is a modern
beat collection for producing Tribal House and Tech
There are 135 loops in total. BPMs range from 115 to
130. Sounds include combination grooves as well as
isolated percussion layers.
There are at least three variations of each combination.
Among the variations you’ll find intros, minimal beats,
complete beats, and break downs.
Inspired by artists such as John Dahlback, Afrojack,
Harry Choo Choo Romero, Dennis Ferrer, Ben Sims,
Adam Beyer, Johnny Fiasco, Olav Basoski, Angel Alanis,
Onionz, and Ian Pooley.
• 135 loops in total.
• BPMs range from 115 to 130.
• Sounds include combinat ion grooves as well as isolated
• percussion layers.
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1 Datei 210,00 MB
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