Intel System Studio 2019 Ultimate Edition with Update 1 MACOSX

Release: IntelSystem.Studio.2019.Ultimate.Edition.with.Update.1.MACOSX.ISO-TBE
IntelSystem Studio is an all-in-one, cross-platform tool suite, purpose-built
to simplify system bring-up and improve system and IoT device application
performance on Intel platforms.
Speed up system and IoT application development
Ready-to-use, domain-specific routines and system-wide visual performance
analysis quickly identify issues and reduce optimization time.
Boost performance and power efficiency
Platform-tuned libraries and compilers help optimize software on Intel architecture.
Actionable data uncovers power issues.
Strengthen system reliability
In-depth debugging, tracing, and analyzing capabilities identify elusive issues
and deliver deep platform insights.
We've updated all of the components within the suite.
Here are a few highlights:
* Get rapid insights into platform-level performance with Intel VTune Amplifier, which features a new workflow and simplified setup that makes the software easier to use.
* Help ensure that application performance takes full advantage of hardware capabilities using Intel Advisor, an analysis tool that provides vectorization, optimization, and threading design tools.
* Use OpenCL software technology for offloading compute functions to Intel processors and to Intel Processor Graphics. The technology streamlines creating, building, debugging, and analyzing OpenCL applications, and enables customized kernel code with computer vision and media software tools from Intel.
* Enable Intel Processor Trace with timestamps over the Intel Direct Connect Interface. This trace tool also features improved debug capabilities in Intel Debug Extensions for WinDbg that help triage timing, performance issues, and more.
* Facilitate easier system development and import capabilities across SDK builds with the Eclipse plug-in for Wind River Linux and Yocto Project. The plug-in enables users to create or import application projects or platform projects (for targets that are compatible with Yocto Project).
* Select from more than 65 new code wizards and samples.
* Deliver improved performance with updated Intel Performance Libraries and analysis and debugger tools (with new and enhanced features) that support the latest Intel platforms.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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