Pointwise 18.2 R2 MACOSX

Release: Point.wise.v18.2.R2.MACOSX-AMPED
Pointwise's meshing software has been applied to virtually every major military aircraft and spacecraft
in the last 30 years including the F-16, F-15, F-18, F-22, F-35, F-117, B-2, E-2C, P-3C,
Space Shuttle, Space Station and more.
Whether you're engaged in CFD to refine an existing design, doing parametric analysis for design of
a new vehicle, or researching concepts for next generation vehicles, Pointwise provides
all your mesh generation capabilities.
From geometry model import to flow solver export, Pointwise provides tools for every step of
the meshing process including mesh editing down to the individual grid point to global
mesh metric evaluation. You can even customize the software using the plugin API.
Significant new features in V18.0 R2 include the following.
* Scripts written in the most popular scripting languages (e.g. Python, Perl) can
call Glyph commands and can be executed from within Pointwise.
* The Project command now includes the ability to show constrained grid points in
the Display window in the same manner as Examine, Database Associativity.
* All break points on selected connectors can be deleted using a new toolbar button.
* The CAE export plugins for ADS, ANSYS Fluent, and OpenFOAM have been updated.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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