Tecplot Focus R2 2018.2.0.92317 MACOSX

Release: Tecplot.Focus.R2.v2018.2.0.92317.MACOSX-AMPED
And Tecplot Focus lets you to analyze and explore complex data sets, arrange multiple XY,
2D and 3D plots, and communicate your results with high-quality output.
Analyze Complex Results
* Load your data with support for 27 CFD, FEA, structural analysis, and industry-standard
data formats.
* Unique multi-frame environment with multiple pages for reporting and comparing solutions.
* Understand XY, Polar, 2D and 3D plots using unique linking capabilities.
* Animate and step through transient solutions with video player-style controls like
forward, backward, loop, bounce, and throttle control.
* Explore with interactive slicing, iso-surface, and streamtrace tools.
* Automatically extract key flow features such as vortex cores, shock surfaces.
Explore Billion Cell Models with SZL Technology
* Leverage multi-core desktop systems with multi-threaded capability.
* Dramatic performance improvements for large finite-element data:
* Load times up to 23 times faster.
* Peak memory usage reduced up to 93%.
* Files sizes compressed up to 70%.
* Analyze large finite-element data sets quickly and easily on a typical engineering laptop.
Verify Engineering Designs
* Assess your grid quality with 28 grid quality functions including aspect ratios, Y+,
skewness, orthogonality, and stretch factors.
* Validate computational output with experimental data in by a single plotting environment.
* Estimate the order of accuracy of your numerical solutions with Richardson
extrapolation analysis.
* Interactively explore and sweep through flow field to check that flow features
align with the grid.
* Compare multiple models simultaneously, including Fluid-structure
Interaction (FSI) visualization.
Communicate and Publish Reports
* Copy and paste images directly into Microsoft Office applications.
* Export professional, presentation-quality vector and raster formats.
* Present multiple, time-linked views of your plots with Tecplot 360’s
unique multi-frame layout workspace.
* Optimize animations for PowerPoint and the Web.
* Create reports using unique multipage layouts.
Automate Routine Tasks
* Instantly apply a plot’s style attributes and layouts to a different set of data with
layout and style files.
* Leverage over 180 macro functions to automate common analysis and plotting tasks.
* Create human readable text based macros by recording on screen actions.
Original Scene Release Read NFO.
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